
Industry Information Questions

The installation method of vortex flowmeter should follow the following points

1. The vortex flowmeter sensor should be installed on a pipe corresponding to its nominal diameter, which is horizontal, vertical or inclined (the flow of fluid flows from bottom to top);

2. Avoid installing on pipes with mechanical vibration. When vibration is unavoidable,

It should be considered to add a fixed support frame to the straight pipe section about 2DN from the front and rear of the sensor;

3. Avoid installing in places with strong electromagnetic field interference, heat radiation, corrosive gas, small space and inconvenient maintenance;

4. In the case of measuring gas, temperature and pressure compensation of the measured fluid is required;

When the measured medium contains many impurities, a filter should be installed beyond the length required by the upstream straight pipe section of the sensor;

gas vortex flowmeter.jpg

5. The upstream and downstream of the sensor should be equipped with a certain length of straight pipe section, and the inner wall of the straight pipe section should be clean and smooth.

There is no obvious bumps, fouling, peeling, etc. The pipes near the liquid sensor should be filled with the liquid to be measured.

Want to know more about precession vortex flowmeter, thermal gas mass flowmeter, electromagnetic flowmeter,

For more knowledge of Kaifeng vortex flowmeter, turbine flowmeter and ultrasonic flowmeter, please pay attention to the official website of Hollysys Industrial Control Instruments.